Here are the highs and lows of the week (in no specific order). High: Wes and I took a little staycation where we enjoyed Portland's downtown nightlife and then camping at the coast.
Low: One our last day, I caught a horrible cold which I have been battling ever since! Don't worry, I'm feeling much better now. I just have a little cough and a runny nose to get rid of.
High: Took some much needed time off work
Low: Most of that time was unpaid sick leave
High: I'm getting an awesome new smart phone
Low: Can't get it until Friday and I have to deal with my old one that doesn't get any reception until then.
High: Wes cleaned the entire house
Low: That cleaning didn't include my messy car.
High: I spent an amazing 2 weeks with Wes.
Low: Wes leaves tomorrow morning :(